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  • About frustrationFranz Kafka

    Why do I feel so frustrated? I ask myself over and over again. Is it the lack of time? The lack of inspiration? The lack of success? I don't know. All I know is that I'm trapped in my own head, unable to find a way out.

    I feel like I'm running in circles, getting nowhere. My words seem empty, my writing meaningless. I feel like I'm fighting against a brick wall, unable to find a way to overcome it.

    Sometimes I wonder if this is all there is, if I'll never be able to write something worthwhile. But then I remember why I started writing in the first place. It wasn't for fame or success, but for the need to express myself, to give voice to my thoughts and emotions.

    Maybe that's what I need to remember in moments like this. It's not about reaching the top, but about finding my own voice and expressing it in the best way possible. It won't be easy, but I know I have to keep trying, one word at a time.


    Excerpt from Franz Kafka diaries.

    March 10, 2023